The great thing about eBooks versus traditional paper publishing is the options that the format provides. You can publish via PDF on your blog or website. Converting your book to Kindle format allows …
One Powerful Reason to Buy a Kindle
I’ve been using the e-book reading Kindle app on my computer and smart phone for quite a while now. The cloud nature of the app lets me share my books between devices while the whisper-sync technology …
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Is There a New Kindle In Your Future?
Many of us are used to the amazing product launches at Apple computer. We wait for months for the latest i-thing to come out and stand in line for hours to purchase one. A few weeks ago, Jeff …
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iPad 2 vs Kindle: Airplane Usability Test
As I was flying back from Miami last week, I was on a very full second leg flight from Houston to San Diego. I ended up in a center seat on a 737, with two lawyers on either side. (There is probably a …
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Have You Read a Kindle Book Yet?
With the advent of the Kindle, iPad, and other e-book readers, a lot of published content is now available electronically. While dedicated book readers are nice, you can also download the Kindle book …