In the world of work, I’ve held positions of leadership and also secondary ones where I was called upon to make something happen. In our modern corporate structure, there are many standard leadership positions, such as CEO, COO, CFO etc. But for each leadership position there are many second level job descriptions that call for action. It may be a corporate secretary, director of communications, or mid level manager, to name a few.
These positions require the person to facilitate outcomes for the leader. The tasks may include creating presentations, training staff, and balancing budgets. While the leader is focused on where the company is going, the facilitator is focused on how to get there.
In the blog-o-sphere there are many blogs dedicated to the leadership role. Leadership is a tough job, and I’ve learned a tremendous amount about the position through posts from some of the best leaders in the business.
Some great leadership blogs are…
But what about a blog focused on the facilitators?
This is the focus I want to take with Fire Up Today.
A blog that has the tools to make things happen with time management tips to get projects done on time. A blog that deals with goal setting, personal development, and working with the latest technology.
They say that the definition of leadership is to turn around and see if anyone is following you. If you don’t have followers behind you but instead have a list of projects in front of you, then this blog is for you.
This is the place where you’ll find tools to save you time, organize your projects, and help you with the latest technology.
This is a place for the facilitators.
This is a place where things get done.
As we go forward here at Fire Up Today, I want to offer tools, strategies, and training to help facilitators get done earlier, better, and with less stress.
A place where the focus is on solving problems and moving forward.
Let’s get started…