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John’s one page daily planner helped me get my daily routine under control—all with one simple and free download!
Amy, Stay at home mom

Learn How to Set Long Term Goals that Really Work.
Where will you be in ten years? Don’t guess. Instead, use this planner to design a roadmap for success.
I started using John’s desktop erasable and it instantly gave me a place to quickly track my top to-do actions where I could always see it.
Rob, copywriter

Get the Latest Erasable
Erasables are free downloads that you print out at your local photo store and murk up with dry-erase markers.
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The Empty Slip at Sunset
She walked along the sidewalk that circled the harbor. The wind was blowing almost gale force; a storm was brewing, yet the sun glowed…
How To Study Effectively: Free Daily Study Guide.
In the modern classroom, many students ask how to study effectively. They don’t want to waste time with ineffective methods. When you have to…
Continue Reading How To Study Effectively: Free Daily Study Guide.
Focused Fitness Planner: Track Your Exercise Goals.
In our modern, fast-paced world, many of us find it hard to stay in shape. The constant battle of a high-stress job, commuting, a…
Continue Reading Focused Fitness Planner: Track Your Exercise Goals.
Use Our Helpful Planner To Finally Get Things Done!
I want to come clean and be real honest with you. I struggle with to-do lists, productivity programs, and time management plans. While all…
Continue Reading Use Our Helpful Planner To Finally Get Things Done!
Five Year Goals: Your Friend Is The Trend.
The five-year goal threshold is an interesting one. It’s far enough out that we can plan some pretty big outcomes, but close enough that…
Top 10 Quotes About Leaving a Legacy
Leaving a legacy. That seems to be something that many people want to do. In my research on the subject, I’ve found many different…