There you are, sitting at your desk on a Friday afternoon. All of a sudden a direct message tweet pops up on your Echofon Twitter interface…
DM Employee. You are Fired. Clean Out Your Desk. You Will Be Escorted to the Door at 4pm.
Could this happen? I’m sure it has and will probably become more popular in the future. Heck… you could lay off a whole department with a @company-department tweet.
But one thing I know for sure… you can now quit via Twitter.
CEO Jonathan Schwartz of Sun Microsystems did it yesterday.
And he did it with a Haiku…
Financial crisis
Stalled too many customers
CEO no more
While his resignation wasn’t unexpected, quitting by Twitter was a first by a major company CEO. But it isn’t surprising. Jonathan was the first CEO to start a blog.
So now if you want to quit and let the whole company know about it, just send a broadcast tweet. Just be aware… there is NO undo button!