Write a letter, put it in an envelope and put a stamp on it. Put it in the mail. Wait a few days and amazing things can happen. Job offers come, overcharges are returned, articles are accepted, contests are won. Results that could not come any other way. The power of a simple envelope is amazing.
When you write a letter, someone on the other end will open it and read it. Unlike e-mail, a written letter is not easily deleted from the system. In todays technological world with e-mail, voice mail, and many web based apps, the written letter stands out from the crowd. Most people will not take the time to send one anymore.
You can increase the effectiveness of your letter with some customization. A high quality letter on parchment paper, sent in a linen envelope will say volumes about the sender. Just like a business suit with a power tie, a classy envelope with a powerful font and a custom postage stamp exudes style and power. You can send this Lexus of envelopes for just a few dollars, and the results can be amazing.
In the spirit of our deliberate actions series, you can send a unique letter today and find some amazing results. Here are a few ideas that come to mind to get you started.
Friends & Relatives: Grab a large colorful envelope and some crayons, markers, and colored pencils. Have the kids draw some pictures, grab some photos, and make a mini scrapbook page. Write a short letter about your family… what the kids are doing, how the vacation went, and what the future holds. Make it original, fun and upbeat. Send the letter off to grandma, the out of state relatives, or anyone else you haven’t seen in a while.
Letters To The Editor: Are you passionate about things in your community? Do you like local politics? Is there something that needs action in your town that seems to be lost in bureaucracy? Why not write a letter to the editor of your local paper? This lost art of political action can actually be very effective. Keep the letter short, to the point, and professional. Be sure to offer a solution… not just criticism. Most papers will print your letter if it meets their guidelines. Your opinion will be read by hundreds or thousands of people. One simple letter can really change things!
Resumé: When was the last time you updated your resumé? Have you thought about career advancement lately? Why not take a few hours some evening and put together a new one. Pick up a nice resumé kit and print yours out on quality paper. A few hours spent in online research will give you some insight into the local job market. Write a short cover letter and customize it for each prospective employer. Do your homework and make sure you address it to the proper person. Send off a few and see what the response is.
Magazine articles: Do you like to write? Have you ever been published in a magazine? Do you have specialized knowledge that others may be interested in? Why not spend a few hours over the weekend and put together an informative article for a specialty magazine. Polish it up and have a few people proof-read it for you. Send it off in a nice professional envelope with cover letter. You may be surprised to see yourself published and maybe even more surprised when the check comes in the mail. My Friend Karen Robertson has a great podcast about getting published in magazines that may help you get started.
I have personally had great results writing letters. They take a little bit of time but they are much more effective many times than an e-mail or phone call. I have had overcharges reversed, traffic tickets dismissed, and warranties fulfilled. I have received hundreds of dollars in rebate savings and even won a few prizes… all with the contents of a simple envelope.
Grab a stamp and send that envelope today.