I have exciting news today. I’ve teamed up with business and talk radio expert Steve Matley to bring you an exciting business focused podcast entitled Foundations of Success. Over the next few months we’ll be covering a huge array of personal development topics. Steve is a master of business planning and management, having taught construction and business management at the college level. In addition to our podcast we’ll be putting together an array of video sessions and creating a helpful Foundational Success Course.
To help you keep up with the new features here , I’d like to invite you to subscribe to our weekly newsletter, which will highlight our latest podcast, video content, and downloadable templates. To give you an incentive to sign up, I’ve taken over 30 of our popular downloads here at Fire Up Today, and created a success collection with full documentation and quick download links. After signing up, you’ll be taken to a download page with the following…
- Eight Planners, including Daily, Weekly, Fitness, and Project Focused Templates
- Six Goal Setting Worksheets and Templates
- Note Taking Templates for Meetings, Webinars, and Visual Design
- A Whole Array of of Small Card Printables, including…
- Desktop Flowchart
- Pocket Organizer
- Motivational Cards
- Success Quotes
- Pocket Storyboard
- Home Inventory Cards
- Garage Sale Kit
- Powerpoint Slide Templates, and Evaluation Worksheets
- GTD Screensaver
- Motivational and Printable Football Game
To sign up just fill out the form below. You’ll be given instant access to over 30 helpful downloads and be signed up to receive our weekly newsletter. We promise to never SPAM you, and you can cancel your subscription at any time.
We plan to launch our new podcast and newsletter later this year. It will be published on Wednesdays, and will be available by download from our website as well as by subscription on iTunes. I’m also working on a new book, and I’m looking for people to interview. If you have launched your own business, or enjoy personal development I’d love to hear from you. We’ll have full details in the newsletter.
Thanks in advance for signing up.
Enjoy the downloads!
John Richardson