What are you inspired to do? Most people receive inspiration from people they see on television or hear on the radio. You think to yourself… I would like to be like that or be able to accomplish that. For example, The world was inspired when Mary Lou Retton vaulted into history in the Olympics to a perfect 10. Inspiration comes in many forms. I have written previously about the I-Force, Inspiration that comes from three primary sources.
Inspiration thru Innovation: Can an existing thing be made bigger, better, faster etc.
Inspiration thru Information: The what, where, why, and how
Inspiration thru Imagination: Can you imagine the possibilities?
Over the weekend I have added an articles section to this blog. My hope is to be able to share some of the inspirational and motivational things I have experienced in my life with you. The first two articles involve travel and vacations. Inspirational subjects for most of us overworked and tired travelers in the corporate life.
The first one is entitled “Buy a beach front timeshare vacation home for less than $3000.” Can this be done? This was the question my wife and I asked 5 years ago when we purchased our first unit. When the paperwork and escrow was done the answer was an amazing yes!
The second one involves a different type of lodging that many people have never experienced. Entitled “Stay at this wonderful house and be treated like a king!”, I think you’ll find some information that will fire up your imagination and may possibly lead to some innovation on your next vacation.
Over the next few weeks we’ll broaden the scope of the article section to include many new topics.
As always I would love to hear your comments.