Over the past two weeks listening has been a major topic on this site. In writing on this subject I have learned a lot. I realized quickly that I wasn’t the most effective listener.This post is a list of some of the resources and sites that I have found in my journey to listen to others better.
Management Listening. When it comes to management, Rosa Say is the master. She has a very interactive blog called “Talking Story”. The site’s philosophy is summed up in the term ho’ohana, which means to “work with intent, with purpose”. One of her main tenets in management is what she calls “The Daily 5 minutes.” She describes it as a simple habit: Each day, without fail, managers are to give five minutes of no-agenda time to at least one of their employees. This simple habit of listening to employees can have profound effects. She has written a book entitled “Managing with Aloha” which includes a chapter on the 5 minute plan.
Education Listening. How do you listen to learn? I found a wonderful educational site called “Nine Quick Learning Strategies for Success.” The first strategy is to become a more effective listener. The site lists an acrositic called LISTENS which focuses on key strategies to become a better communicator. This site has some great strategies for your next instructor led class.
Listening for Success. John Maxwell’s book, “Becoming a Person of Influence”, is a great resource for improving your listening skills.
John notes that listening is a valuable skill and provides the following benefits
1. Shows respect
2. Builds relationships
3. Increases knowledge
4. Generates ideas
5. Builds loyalty
These benefits become apparent rather quickly when you make a concerted effort to listen to others.
Listening to God. Sometimes in the day to day battle of life one can really lose perspective. I find that reading the bible and praying are very helpful to refocus my life. But one of the things that is really key is to “Listen” to God. Listen for that quiet voice and direction. Sometimes the world and its distractions are so noisy that it drowns out God’s voice. I’ve found that I need to be quiet and listen.
Real “listening” is a learned skill. Take some time this week to listen to others. You’ll be amazed at what you hear.