We all face problems in our everyday lives. Not a day goes by without a problem or two raising their ugly heads. Problems can be frustrating, depressing, and can really slow us down on our journey to success.
But problems can also be opportunities in disguise. In fact, problems are a great place to start when starting a new business, book, blog, or any type of niche market.
Find a solution to a common problem and you’ll have people flocking to your doors for the answer.
I have found three things that can help you climb the problem mountain that you are facing. While not a guarantee, the following three things can help you solve almost any problem.
1. Priority: Most problems are annoying and frustrating. We just want them to go away. One of the usual reactions to a problem is to Procrastinate. We’ll put it off to tomorrow and maybe it will solve itself. Unfortunately, most problems don’t solve themselves… they just get worse.
One of the best ways to solve a problem is to face it head-on and make it a priority. A great way to do this is to write our problems down in detail on paper. The very act of writing them down gets them out of our head and puts them in a place where they can be acted upon.
Once you write them down, schedule a time to work on the problem. A daily/weekly focused problem solving time can be very beneficial. The next step is…
2. Ingenuity: The key to finding an answer is to ask questions…
Do I know how to solve this problem?
Write down solutions that you come up with.
Think about the problem backwards. Visualize the problem solved.
How did you get to the solution?
Do other people know how to solve this problem?
Ask other people how to solve the problem.
Research the problem online.
Brainstorm with others.
Consider delegating the problem to others or pay someone to solve it.
Is there a product or service that can solve the problem?
Consider purchasing the product or service.
Consider renting/borrowing the product or service.
Consider a barter/exchange for the product or service.
3. Persistence: Some problems are multi faceted and not easily solved on the first go round. It is easy to give up after a few tries. This is where persistence comes in.
Many times people give up just when the solution is at hand. To help you keep working on a problem until a solution is found, I’ve created a problem solving worksheet.
This simple printable worksheet incorporates all three of the problem solving solutions above into one handy MS Word document.
Here is how it works.
- Write your problem in the box at the top of the sheet. Be specific.
- Quickly write down proposed solutions in the brainstorm area
- Add any tools, products or services that may help solve the problem.
- Write down people that you could refer or delegate the problem to.
- Write down any mentors that can help you with the problem
- Draw or chart out proposed solutions
- Write down the proposed solution(s) in the bottom box
You can download the Problem Solving Worksheet for MS Word Here.
With this sheet you can make the problem a priority by writing it down on the worksheet and then using your ingenuity to brainstorm the idea, add tools, and services, and bring in others to help with the problem.
Since everything is on one page, it’s easier to keep focused on the problem until a solution is reached. Why not download one today and find solutions to that pressing problem you have been facing.