If you have been a professional writer for any time at all, you know how hard it is to find certain errors in your documents or manuscripts. You read them through and you know something is wrong, but you can’t put your finger on it. You sound out the sentences, rearrange them, and run them through the grammar and spell check in Microsoft Word. Yet nothing shows up.
Frustrated you have another professional writer look at your document and take a stab at editing it. The document looks good, but there is something hidden that is driving you nuts. At the end of the day, you still can’t find it. Editing for hours, you can’t sleep, it’s so bad. You get up at the crack of dawn and take another stab at it. As luck would have it, you ask another friend and they tell you at the eleventh hour about Smart Edit, the free document checker. It’s about time. Maybe this will help.
You download the free software on your PC and save your document in RTF format from your word processor. You are now ready to see if this editing program can find the problem. You are so tired of spinning your wheels that you hope against hope that this software can get you out of hot water. Your boss is breathing down your neck. Supposedly you are a professional writer. You’ve got to get this document out the door.
Smart Edit for the Professional Writer
You fire up Smart Edit for Professional Writers and load in your RTF formatted document. You click the scan button… and Viola…
The report quickly shows the problem…
You have more clichés than Carter has pills and you also have a number of repeated words…
Look at the report for the blog post above… Yikes
If you are a writer of any caliber, you should download this free program and run your documents through it. It’s quick and it can find numerous problems easily. As you click on the individual errors the program highlights them throughout your document for easy correction.
It scans for six different items…
While this won’t replace a professional editor, it will help you find those troublesome errors that are hard to spot. You can find out more and download the program for free at SmartEdit.
Please note… this is a Windows program only. There is no Mac version.
Overall: This is a quick and easy editor that should be in every writer’s toolbox!
Question: Have you used Smart Edit before?