Life can be so frustrating. There is so much to do and so little time to do it. Everybody seems to want me to do something for them. The government wants me to file taxes, fill out forms, and spend lots of time with tedious details. My mailbox is full of ads that want me to spend money, try out the latest new gadget, or eat at their fancy and expensive restaurant.
The TV shouts out to me via infomercial that I need to spend at least 20 minutes a day with their latest exercise gizmo to get million dollar abs, while the commercials tempt me with the latest fatty snack foods. My wife has just given me a “honey do” list, while my social networks scream at me for updates…
How can I get it all done?
Sometimes I wish there was more time in the day. Maybe 25 or 26 hours per day would do it.
Maybe if I cut back on sleep, that would help.
Maybe I can organize things
Maybe I can learn to say NO!
Yet one thing is for sure… time never changes.
We all have 24 hours in a day… no more… no less.
We can’t stop time. It always marches forward.
We can’t go back in time.
We can’t do things tomorrow
We only have today
We can only take action… now.
Yet we act like we have control.
We think we can master the clock.
But just when we think we have it conquered, it starts ticking again.
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just pause the world, and get caught up?
Imagine pushing a button and everything around us stops.
Imagine what you could get done.
Imagine the productivity
Imagine the silence
Do you want to experience it?
I’ll show you how…
Question: What would you do if you could stop time?