I have a confession to make. I’m a gadget geek. I love new technology and all the things it provides. I can now communicate faster and in more ways than ever. I can make a phone call, send a text message, leave a videogram, forward an email, blast a tweet, like a Facebook Page, and even just drop by your office for a friendly chat.
Yet, I’ve noticed something profound lately. It’s actually harder to get a hold of people now than ever before. I’ve got all this technology, but I can’t get a hold of you about the meeting tomorrow. Why is that?
The growing problem is technology fatigue. We have so many things vying for our attention, that our mind just tunes them out. It tunes them out, that is, until they interrupt us with a flash of the screen, a beep, or a ringing in our ears.
Then our conscious mind must stop what it is doing and send it’s very limited focus unto this source of interruption.
Constantly throughout the day, the interruptions come.
Our mind deals with them in one of two ways.
We either focus on the source of the problem, or we try to ignore them.
But our course of thought is always challenged.
And our productivity suffers.
I suggest a better way.
Why not plan out your week, prioritize your day, and focus your time – on paper.
Then turn off all of the distractions for a while and focus on one productive thing and get it done.
That’s the premise of my new Kindle eBook, Get a Life.
Unlike technology, paper doesn’t constantly interrupt us.
It sits there waiting for our attention.
It gives us control.
It helps us get things done.
My new book comes with 9 template downloads.
Weekly planners, daily planners, & time management sheets.
Free downloads, that can help you get more done, on time, with less stress.
For greater productivity, get a copy today and… Get A Life!