If you have been on Twitter for a while you know there are some really popular personalities to follow. Some tweet a lot like Guy Kawasaki and Mari Smith, some have insightful comments like Chris Brogan and Gary Vanerchuk, and other fit a certain niche like Michael Hyatt on Leadership and Matt Cutts on SEO.
While these people should be part of anyone’s tweet stream, I would like to share with you five people you may not have heard of, but provide great resources in their particular niche.
1: @Nik_Nik: Nicole Nicolay is one of the top bloggers in the Real Estate field. She posts to My Tech Opinion which is a technology blog for Real Estate Professionals (and anyone interested in the newest technology). She also tweets out great content on a daily basis and is just a fun person to follow. If you are having a bad day, her video’s are sure to bring a smile to your face. She also has an online guide to Twitter that will get you up to speed fast.
2. @Iannarino: Anthony Iannarino publishes The Sales Blog and tweets out great sales tips on a daily basis. If you are in sales, this is someone you should definitely follow. He runs a sales coaching company called B2B Sales Coach, so he is in the trenches and speaks from experience. Be sure to check out his excellent 90/12 Challenge, that will motivate you to prospect more and get better results.
3. @Michaelport: If you are interested in Marketing, Sales, or Business Development, be sure to Follow Michael on Twitter and pick up one of his best selling books, such as The Think Big Manifesto, Book Yourself Solid or his newest, The Contrarian Effect. His books will give you new insights into blogging, social media, and will help you find a unique niche that no one else has. He’ll even give you the first chapters free if you sign up on his blog.
4. @AngelaDeFinis: If you want Poise, Passion, and Power in your Presentations, look no further than Angela DeFinis. Angela sends out very helpful tweets during the week that will help you tighten up and refine your next speech, Powerpoint or Keynote presentation. She also has some great resources on her LinkedIn page and her own speakers group. If you are a public speaker or Toastmaster be sure to bookmark her site.
5. @PatriciaRossi: With culture and customs changing on a daily basis it’s nice to know what the current etiquette and protocols are. Patricia comes at this in a unique way. Instead of rigid rules and regulations, she espouses this motto: Focus on kindness as opposed to formality. Relationships not rules. I enjoy her insights from a leadership point of view. Her blog will help you improve your presence and move to a new level.
If you are on Twitter, make sure to add these personalities to your tweet stream. You can find most of them on Facebook and LinkedIn too.