As I was reading my daily devotional today the scripture verse really hit home. The verse said…
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new (2 Corinthians 5:17).
While this verse is a staple of the Christian faith and has been a major reality in my life for over 20 years, I think it is also a mantra for today’s economic realities…
1. Old things have passed away
2. All things have become new
And if we are going to compete in this new global reality we will need a New Creation.
If we look at the past year, many of the things we have taken for granted have passed away. Historic stalwarts such as Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, and now Chrysler and General Motors are either gone or going through major struggles.
Almost everything other than cash lost value in 2008. The values of commodities, stocks, and even gold sank at the end of last year. Unemployment is rising and the world is facing stark new realities. The very value of world currencies are becoming suspect.
As you are reading this, you may be one of the recently unemployed or you may be the owner of a small business, looking at a shrinking market. You might work for a large company who is facing layoffs or work for the government of a state that is facing huge budget deficits.
A few things are certain…
The security of the old things have definitely passed away.
The world is getting smaller and more interdependent
Debt is out, Cash is king
The value of trust is ever increasing. Can we believe what you say is true?
So in the uncertain reality of 2009, what can we create that is new and exciting?
A. On a personal level you can recreate yourself.
1. Make a list of your skills, strengths and talents. Everyone is unique and your specific package of talents may make you the perfect candidate for a new job or new business.
2. Write down what you are an expert on. Do you have 5000-10,000 hours in your given field of work or study? Write down things that make you unique. Put down your major accomplishments. Have you invented something new or modified something to make it better… write it down.
3. List out your friends and acquaintances. Only you have this contact group. Make it deep and complete and record the talents and skills of the people included in the list.
4. Take your lists and compile a new Resume, Linked-In profile, and Facebook listing.
5. Create a list of keywords that describe you.
6. Change your look: Get some new clothes, glasses, hairstyle or accessories. Bump your image up a notch. These resources might help [Guys] [Gals]
7. Take a new picture of your new self.
8. Consider creating a personal blog, newsletter, book, or personal manifesto.
B. Create a New Product or Niche.
1. Take your personal strengths and skills and write down some unique business ideas. Ask yourself some questions… What are you passionate about? What would you like to see on the market? What are you uniquely gifted in that you could offer as a service?
2. Could you create a product or service by combining your talents with a friend, co-worker, or accomplice?
3. Write down a list of problems that you have solved over the past few years. Could you develop a business or service by solving this problem for others?
4. What do you think is cool? Write down a list and ask your friends about the items. Can you come up with a product or service that is unique and has a cool factor?
5. Take some of your keywords that you created above and do a Google search on them. This may give you some new ideas and help you brainstorm.
6. Consider becoming an entrepreneur or small business owner. Make sure to read this book before you jump.
C. Get The Word Out.
1. Marketing has changed. Old ways of doing things are out, new media is in. Take a look at the new realities of Facebook, Twitter, Blogging, and Web-Video.
2. Find people with Otaku (In modern Japanese slang, the term otaku refers to a fan of any particular theme, topic, or hobby) for your product or service. Seth Godin will show you how.
3. Create a World Wide Rave for your product. David Meerman Scott has a great Word of Mouse E-Book to help you do just that.
4. Create a manifesto about your ideas. You can upload it here for everyone to see.
5. Join the Society For Word Of Mouth
6. Give a public presentation of your ideas, product or service. Toastmasters can help you give a better presentation by giving you a place to practice, hone and perfect your production, before you step in front of your real audience.
7. Think outside the box. Find groups of people that may be interested in your product, service, or new idea. These trade associations might be a good first step.
8. When you are ready to take your idea to the world, a speaking apprenticeship with the National Speakers Association may be just the ticket.
The true reality of 2009 is that new ideas, businesses, and people with a forward looking vision will lead us out of this worldwide recession and into the future. Why not put your ideas together and be part of the next wave of success.