August has been a busy month here at Fire Up Today. It’s back to school time and that brings a lot of busy work getting everything ready for a new year. I find my chunks of writing time have become shorter and less frequent. This always presents itself as a quandary… should I wait and write a thoughtful and thorough post or should I just put my thoughts up quickly and run with them.
I think many bloggers face the same problems… I’ve noticed over the past year that many of my favorite blogs go through spurts of activity followed by long drought periods. Exceptions abound and I’m always amazed at the bloggers who can find the time to post often and in some cases multiple times a day.
One of my new blogger discoveries is Liz ME Strauss over at Successful Blog. She is an amazing writer and has the unique talent of being a blogger “Sparkplug.” She has a blog that elicits more comments than any other I have ever visited. She does “open mic nights” where she turns her blog into an open forum with comments coming fast and furiously. The other night she logged over 400 comments in an evening… wow. Even the best comment spammers would have a hard time matching that feat.
Liz wrote me the other day and called this blog a S.O.B. I was taken back a little until I realized that SOB stood for Successful and Outstanding Bloggers. I am humbled by her award and hope to follow her lead and keep improving the content here and upgrading the usability of this site.
She has an interesting article about writing today on her blog and I want to pass along an excerpt. She says…
Write to an audience of one. Imagine that audience is someone intelligent who shares your passion for what you are writing about, but doesn’t know the subject as well as you do.
Writing will never be easy, but it doesn’t have to be overly hard either. I still love the quote that can’t be attributed
I hate writing. I love having written.
This is so true. As Author William Zinsser explains in his famous book, “On Writing Well,” that no matter how long we do it…writing is hard.
It’s always nice to meet someone like Liz who has a passion for writing. When the words don’t come, I can always tune into her blog for inspiration!
Be sure to check out her open mic nights and be part of the conversation.