The third tenet in John Maxwell’s book “Becoming A Person of Influence” is Faith. The following is an outline from his book that was used in a small group setting and some topics that were discussed. I’ve included some of my comments. Think back in your life and go over the outline for yourself. You may discover like I have, the traits that make up a real person of faith.
1. Most people don’t have faith in themselves
This is so true. I really struggle with those negative nabobs that always tell me that “I can’t do something”. Its funny how past failures can cloud present actions. Even though I might have a 90% chance of doing something successfully, that negative 10% will always nag at me.
2. Most people don’t have someone who has faith in them
This is a pretty negative world and the naysayers and negative nabobs abound. Negativity and gossip spread like wildfire. In life there are always numerous reasons someone can’t do something with very few positive affirmations. To me a true friend is someone who puts aside jealousy and has faith in another person.
3. Most people can tell when someone has faith in them
When you find that positive, affirming person you know who they are. In my life my dad always had faith in me. He would always come up with some reason that I could do it. When I think back to all of the seemingly impossible things I have accomplished in my life, there was always someone there who believed in me. Sometimes it was a teacher, sometimes it was a friend, sometimes it was a family member. There was always someone!
4. Most people will do anything to live up to your faith in them
When I was in outside sales, the owner of the company (Winzer corp.) had faith in me. He would always set my goals a little higher than I thought I could reach. His distance vision was a little further than mine. He always had a positive but realistic attitude. It was amazing how those distant vistas that he saw came into view at the end of the month. Klaus was an amazing person. He only had one hand, but the one he did have was always patting you on the back, encouraging you to go further. His encouragement led me to the top 5 in sales for the country. What seemed impossible became reality with his vision.
7 ways to become a believer in people.
1. Believe in them before they succeed: Your attitude is contagious
2. Emphasize their strengths: Give them a reason to succeed
3. List their past successes: Point out their positive accomplishments
4. Instill confidence when they fail: Pick them up when they fall
5. Experience some wins together: Be a team player
6. Visualize their future success: Light their path with your vision
7. Expect a new level of living: Expect great things!
When you believe in people, nothing is impossible!