Arnold had created a masterpiece. It was a remarkable piece of engineering, with its white plastic body taking on an interesting configuration. It was this configuration which made it different from …
Faith in People
The third tenet in John Maxwell’s book “Becoming A Person of Influence” is Faith. The following is an outline from his book that was used in a small group setting and some topics that were discussed. …
Nabobs: The Solution
In the last few days you have seen different examples of the Nabobs of Negativity. These insidious little creatures roost on your shoulders and whisper in your ear. They are so quiet you may not even …
The Nabob of Negativity
Have you ever been around people that are always negative? It seems like everything they say is depressing and they always bring you down. They may be suffering from the Nabob of Negativity. This …
The Nabob of Fear
This little guy is one of the most dangerous of all Nabobs. He is especially prevalent at Toastmaster meetings. He can keep you from doing just about anything. His fearful whisperings are mostly lies, …