The secret to goal setting is to write your goals down. Just the act of putting them on paper will give you a much greater chance of success than keeping them in your head. To help you do this, I’ve create a simple Goal Setting Worksheet. You can use this for…
- Personal Goals
- Work Goals
- Business Goals
- Fitness Goals
- Employee Goals
I’ve based it around a 12 week timeframe, which works well for many types of goals. To help you set and achieve your goals, print out the Goal Setting Worksheet, grab a pen and let’s get started. Please refer to the graphic below.
Get started with the goal setting worksheet using the S.M.A.R.T. Goal system.
Your goals need to be …
- Specific
- Measurable
- Actionable
- Realistic
- Time-Based
Lets start at the top. Here are the steps for filling in your goal setting worksheet.
1. Write down your goal in the top box. Clearly define this by making it tangible and specific. For example, “Increasing Sales” is not a goal, since it is not measurable. “Increasing sales by 30% in 12 weeks” is measurable and has a time limit.
2. Write down your goal milestones in the second box down. The sheet is setup to measure these every four weeks. Write down the intended milestones in the box provided.
3. The next box down has a place to list all the resources needed to complete your goal.
4. After filling in the top three boxes, you are ready to track your progress. Each week, list the goal in the large box to the left, and the actual results in the smaller box to the right. When you are done with the week you can put a checkmark in the small box to the right.
5. When you get to the milestone after four weeks, put the actual numbers in the box provided. This will let you see how you are progressing by comparing your goal milestone with the actual results.
6. Track your results to the end of twelve weeks. The goal setting worksheet will help you stay on track and make adjustments as needed along the way.
Overall: This simple goal setting system can help you achieve your goals and objectives in a timely and effective manner. By using milestones, you’ll be able to see how you are progressing along the way. Whether it’s a sales goal, business goal, or just a simple sheet to track your personal goals, you’ll be way ahead of the pack by writing your goals down and tracking them along.
For More Information on setting SMART Goals, see this excellent article by Michael Hyatt
Question: How will you use your goal planning worksheet? Please leave comments below.