If your life is a book, what kind of story is it? Is it an adventure? Is it a mystery? Does it have a good plot? Does it flow well? How are the characters, are they interesting? How about the location, is it cheerful and fun, or dark and depressing? Is there action in your story? Does the story pace quickly, or drag slowly along?
If I picked up your book, would I find it interesting? Would I want to keep turning the pages and move quickly through the chapters? Would I like your characters? Would I keep reading, or put it aside? Would I recommend it to a friend?
If you could change your story, how would the plot change? Would the characters be different? How about the location, would it be somewhere else?
Would things change, or stay the same?
You are the author of your life.
Do you need to do some editing?
Maybe add some interesting new characters?
How about a plot twist or two?
Maybe some action and adventure?
Maybe some romance or intrigue?
How about designing that next chapter to be different?"
How about picking up a pen and start writing…
Expressing with passion and purpose…
Creating the life you want to live…
Why not start now…
Question: How would you change your story?