I’m finally back. I’ve been on vacation for a week visiting beautiful Seattle, Washington for my daughter’s wedding. The wedding went well and the bride and groom are getting ready for their honeymoon. The wedding was a wonderful study in getting to know people. I met all types of people, young and old, students and professional. The interesting thing was everyone had a common focus and everyone got along well. I think weddings usually bring out the best in people. Everyone dresses well and most are thoughtful and pleasant. Because of a singular focus (the bride and groom) most trivial things are left behind.
I used to do wedding videos for people and I noticed that most went well. Even some long time feuds were set aside and families were able to heal. I think the aspect of a common goal has a lot to do with it. It is similar to what happens in a community emergency such as an earthquake or tornado. Most everyone has a common focus and a helpful attitude. While there is always an uncle or cousin who is too mad to participate, such individuals usually stay away from an event such as a wedding.
One lesson I can take away from this is to align yourself with like minded individuals set upon a reachable goal. Toastmasters and other success oriented organizations are wonderful places to set aside differences and strive for excellence. When people of one mind come together you often have synergy, where the outcome far exceeds the individual efforts.
For my daughter and her new husband, I wish you a wonderful life together. With your combined talents there is no limit where you can go. Congratulations!