This was our fourth theme based week on Fire Up Today. The theme was metaphor, but it really should have been about blogging frequency. The week ended with an important creative decision on my part.
Theme: Metaphor
The week started out with a fundamental argument on blogging. It boiled down to this. Should I blog every day or should I blog only when I have a profound blog post ready to go. Should I hold off posting until I have something amazing to say.
The two sides of the issue can be seen in these two opposing posts
Blog Every Day: How I Write Eleven Blog Posts a Week by S. Anthony Iannarino
I know a lot of people who blog regularly, and each of them has shared the experience of writing the post they believe is a complete throwaway only to have it draw the most comments and emails.
You see, you don’t get decide what other people find valuable; they do.
Blog Effectively: The Unproductive Writers Guide To Success by Martyn Chamberlin
Attention is a difficult thing to get, and an easy thing to lose.
You must play your cards wisely.
It has nothing to do with productivity, and it has everything to do with efficiency.
How does this affect you? Instead of spending five hours writing ten blog posts, spend five hours writing one good post. This means the amount of attention you are asking is less, and the prose you are offering is superior.
I truly struggled with these ideas at the beginning of the week. I decided to follow Martyn’s advice and put together a truly awesome post with amazing graphics, powerful tools, and a free download. I spent hours on it… only to come up with … nothing.
Monday-Tuesday: I tried to create the ultimate post only to fail miserably
Wednesday: A Metaphor Is
A description of Metaphor and a Logo-Graphic to go with it.
Friday: An Experiment in Blogging
A complete look at the creative argument I was having with myself and my blogging style. I came to the conclusion (which is sort of a metaphor)… Blog Frequently and Do It Well.
Links mentioned during the week:
Mike Lieberman adds to the debate with a post about six great reasons to blog every day.
Jeff Goins recommends taking a break from blogging to regain your writer’s soul
Chris Brogan argues that you should aim for a post (almost)every day.
Thanks for joining us this week. Next week’s theme will be motivational speaking, with some great info from World Champion speakers Darren LaCroix and Ed Tate along with some interesting surprises.
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