The key to completing any project or reaching any goal is to work on it in a focused and organized manner. The better the planning, the better the completed project. With that in mind, I would like to introduce the first draft of our Focused Project Planner using our F.A.S.T. system to help you reach your goals quickly.
The planner is a free download and comes in two formats. One is completely customizable in Microsoft publisher and the other is a print only PDF version that you can print on any machine that has Adobe acrobat reader on it.
Here are the major components…
The planner is based around a twelve week time frame, but can easily be expanded with multiple sheets. There is a place for project title, work location and timeframe along with our focused work time, accountability partners, and project milestones.
The sheet is easy to set up and has two boxes per day for easy check-offs. To give you an idea how the system works, I’ll post three example setups in the next few days which will include…
- Our Name and some personal information
- The focused time period we plan to work (example: 48 minutes)
- The scheduled time for the focused time period (example: 6 to 8 am)
- The location we plan to work on our project
- The time period to reach our goal (example: Twelve weeks)
- Milestones along the way to keep us on track (example: weekly review)
- Completion date and intended results (example: lose 12 pounds by Oct 15)
- Checklist that will mark mark daily/weekly completion
- A list of people that will hold us accountable and contact information
- Tools and supplies needed for success
Why not download the template today and give it a try. Stay tuned over the next few days as we put the FAST system planner through three different planning challenges.