It’s day one of going pro for me. I’ve been up since 4am, and I’m organizing my week. Going pro requires that I show up for work, put the time in, and ship the product.
For day one, I decided I would go to the “office,” which today is the Corner Bakery in Carlsbad in the morning and Starbucks in the afternoon. My goal for the day is to spend four hours writing, two hours working on a speaker’s page for a new blog, and the rest of the day communicating and marketing via social media.
I’m hoping that going pro will help me overcome the insidious reach of the resistance, and get a lot accomplished. Actually getting out of the house is a plus. It feels like a regular job, although the work space is a little noisier than my old office.

With a good wi-fi connection I’m right at home on my laptop. My goal is about eight hundred words an hour, which is about average for me.
My new project is coming along. I’m using Scrivener on Windows 8 on my MacBook Pro. It makes for a speedy fast computer and the new Windows version of Scrivener rocks a full featured tool set. I really am getting used to this program now. After publishing my first eBook on it last week, I’ve got an template outline setup for future books.
This makes it so much easier to sit down and get started. I just start with a chapter heading and fill in the subpoints. Then it is just a matter of filling them in point by point. Scrivener keeps all the parts together including photos, research, web page clippings, and references.
So what is my eventual goal?
Well to help overcome the resistance, I’ve decided to keep that close to the vest. One thing I’ve found that fires up the resistance more than anything else, is to announce your plans to the world. If you miss one of them, or need to make changes, the resistance fires in with condescending messages.
In fact, this is so bad, that I don’t even want to give you a broad hint.
I hate to be so secret, (I feel like Steve Jobs) but some of the things I’m working on are so cool, that if I let on even one iota, it will take the fire out of completing them.
I do want to thank all of you who bought my new eBook, Get A Life, over the last few days. I really appreciate it.
Now back to writing…
Man this Panini is good…