It’s Monday morning, 5 a.m. I’m still sleepy and not all that motivated to go to work today. As I scan the blog-o-sphere this early morning, I’m in need of a boost. I need some motivation. I know from past experience that the “team” aspect of blogging can really help. Reading multiple posts brings “synergy” defined as “the working together of two or more things, people, or organizations, especially when the result is greater than the sum of their individual effects or capabilities.” I have faith in my fellow bloggers to motivate me to action today.
Here is some collected Blog synergy that I think will help us all reduce our stress and be better equipped to face the day.
1. The blog To-Done has a great article entitled “Never lose a sock again.” Keith Robinson assures us that his technique will work. He says..
I’ve been asked a few times if I’ve got any tips on getting (and keeping) organized. I’m a pretty organized person, but by no means am I organized enough to say I’m a master. So, while I don’t really have a whole lot of specific tips ready to share on organization I can tell you how to never lose another sock!
I’ve been using this method for awhile now and so far I’ve only lost socks I wanted to lose.
If this is true, I’ll be forever greatful. One of the biggest stresses in my life is running late in the morning and not being able to find a matching sock!! I’m taking notes Keith.
2. The doctor of personal development, Steve Pavlina, has an article entitled “How to never lose your keys again.” Next to losing socks, the greatest morning stress is finding those elusive keys. Where did they go? Steve illustrates how he taught his wife to put her keys in a designated place..
My wife used to spend an inordinate amount of time hunting for her keys. Each time she came home, she’d toss her keys somewhere different, and then she’d forget where she left them and have to search for them later. Sometimes it would take her 30 minutes or more to find them. At first I became skilled at sensing where she left them, but then I figured my time was better spent elsewhere.
This is a very interesting article that everyone should read. Steve comments at the end that
And yes, wives are actually trainable to some degree, slightly more than cats.
I figure if Steve can teach his wife to stop losing keys there might be hope for me..
3. Jason Womak has a great post about “Stress and opportunity” that may help my outlook this morning. He states
I once heard someone describe – in a way I understood on a very personal level – a problem I’m facing these days:
“Jason,” she said, “you’re facing the stress of infinite opportunity.”
So, for kicks, I did a little research with my friend Noah Webster. Here are some interesting definitions:
Stress: mental tension Tension: mental strain Strain: a great demand on one’s emotions, resources, etc. Infinite: lacking limits; limitless Opportunity: a combination of circumstances favorable for the purpose
When I originally heard this “problem,” I thought it was a good thing (“too much opportunity?!”). However, it’s turning out to be quite a tough experience to go through.
It is interesting that I may be facing “Infinite Opportunity.” and the attending stresses that go with it. I may have to learn how to say “No”. Actually the word NO sounds pretty good right now. I have a morning full of meetings and I just read Rosa Say’s article entitled “Just how much do useless meetings cost?” Her attending facts are pretty compelling…
And the point I was drawn to, having unengaged meeting participants on the brain:
“Seven of 10 Americans believe most meetings are unproductive, if not excruciating, and yet workers average 5.5 hours a week in meetings.”
— from a Microsoft Office survey taken this spring.Let’s do some very conservative, easy math.
5.5 hours at a nice round figure of $10.00 per hour = $55.00
$55.00 times a modest group of 6 people at the meeting = $330.00 per week
$330.00 times 52 weeks in a year = $17,160.00
Now imagine: what could your business have done with that $17k? (Personally, I could write another book.)
Hmmm… I can think of some uses for 17 grand and none of them involve meetings. Thanks for the information Rosa!
Well with all of the synergy I’ve gained this morning and given the fact that I can’t find a matching sock or my car keys and I’m facing a mountain of meetings… I think I’ll just go back to bed… 🙂