If you are in business, you know how important connections are. They are the lifeblood of your operation. You need suppliers, B to B helpers, and most of all you need customers. You can spend weeks or months trying to find the right people. Your marketing campaigns may be ineffective if you don’t have the right connections.
To help you on your quest, I’ve discovered a brand new tool in Klout that can help. Klout is the online social media collaborator that combines your total social media experience into a “Klout Score.” The higher the score, the more influential you are.
This tool allows you to find the most influential people for a given category fast and easy. Here is how it works. Once you setup your Klout account and enter your social media networks, just open your main profile. You’ll see your top three influence areas listed to the right.
With this new feature you can now click on these words and Klout opens a new window displaying the top influencers in that subject over the last 90 days. This is incredibly useful for finding people to connect with in your field or industry. One of my top areas is speakers. Clicking on the button reveals a speaker’s page.
This shows the top influencers in the area and also the +K recipients. Clicking on the individual pictures will pull up their profiles, where I can follow them on Twitter, Facebook, Google + or LinkedIn. In the example above, I pulled up Dawn Gartin’s top +K profile.
I see she is a speaker and is very influential about LinkedIn and Social Media. A great person to follow on Twitter and to collaborate with on LinkedIn. As you can see, this is a great tool for finding like minded people in you field of interest. It shows you the top people by keyword and gives you an easy way to connect with them via social media.
Question: What are your top subject areas on Klout?