They are coming for you. Demanding your attention. Everywhere you look, they’re there. They might be red and flashing, or green and sublime… but they are insidious. They will take your most precious resource and consume it entirely.
I’m talking about DISTRACTIONS.
It might be your web browser, it might be Facebook. The phone may start ringing and force you to answer. And then there is the king of all distractions… e-mail. Pop… you’ve got mail. Resist if you can… but you know you must see the latest joke, cute puppy picture, or heaven forbid… a free iPod deal!!
So there is one answer, if you are ever going to get something done.
Yes you know it’s coming
Yes you were right…
you must…
But then what… how do you get something done?
It’s rather simple really, just follow these important instructions:
1. Turn off all distractions.
2. Set a timer for 48 minutes
3. Do one thing
4. When the timer goes off take a 12 minute break
5. Repeat as necessary
If you want to accomplish almost any STRONG goal, timing is everything. Distractions are the enemy. Singletasking is key!
If you want to write a book, train for a marathon, get six pack abs, write a compelling blog post, or accomplish anything of substance, it will take FOCUS. The best way to do this is turn everything off that isn’t necessary, and do one thing at a time.
48 minutes is a great place to start. It’s 80% of an hour and works out great for most tasks. Taking a 12 minute break will allow you to get a cup of coffee, use the restroom, and take care of any minor tasks. You can repeat the 48 minute process numerous times throughout the day.
Here are some resources that might be helpful in getting started.
1. Our original 48 minutes post
4. The Book: The Way We’re Working Isn’t Working by Tony Schwartz
Why not give the 48 minute concept a try. Find an important project, turn off distractions, set a timer and go!
Question: Have you tried singletasking?