If you are in business or building a platform to promote yourself, you’ve probably had the need for effective marketing materials. Business cards, letterhead, reply cards, one sheets, and promotional flyers, are very helpful to get the word out. To get a good price, you have probably found you need to order a relatively large order and wait at least a week to get them back from the printer. This usually means that your materials are relatively generic and usually boring!
But what about the times you are at a trade show and need a custom response card. How about when you are at a networking event and need to customize your business cards. You have probably taken out a pen and written additional information on the back.
This week I’d like to show you how to create high quality promotional materials in under an hour, in quantity, for cents on a dollar. Here are some of the items we’ll cover.
Low Cost Marketing Tools
Business Cards: There is nothing better than a high gloss, photo business card to make a great impression with a client. I’ll show you how to create beautiful ones that can be customized directly for individual groups or businesses. The great thing is, you can print these in large quantity, on the road, for under five cents apiece. And the truly remarkable thing is you can get them back in under an hour.
Promotional Cards: If you are a writer or speaker, there are times when you want to let your clients know about your books or available speeches. Having a mini one-sheet with your key topics outlined for an individual client, can be incredibly useful. The great thing about this card is you only have to print as many as you need. If you will be presenting to a small group of 10 people, you can print 10 cards. The price is the same at 10 as it is at 100. Here again, you can get these back, on the road, in under an hour.
Name Plates: If you are a speaker or workshop leader and you are speaking to smaller groups, it’s nice to have name plates on the tables or desks so you know people’s names from a distance. I’ll show you how to create custom name plates with your branding on the back and the person’s name on the front. You can create these automatically from an Excel spreadsheet or other delimited database file and get them printed quickly, on the road, for under 15 cents apiece.
Stay with us this week as we provide templates that you can download to make this process quick and easy.
Low Cost Marketing Tools: Quick Links…
Question: What promotional materials do you use?