The rumor mill has been very active during the past few months on the specifications of the upcoming Apple iPad 3. While the rumors have been all over the place, the last few days have brought a lot …
Weekly Roundup: Top iPad Business Apps
The last two weeks have been a blast here at Fire Up Today. We have had a lot of interest in our iPad and iOS5 posts including the exciting new AirPlay Mirroring feature. In our iPad with iOS5 …
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iPads in the Classroom
Working in a K-12 environment, I have seen many different teaching tools and strategies. From the standard whiteboard to the latest presentation and projector tools, there are many ways to share …
Is There a New Kindle In Your Future?
Many of us are used to the amazing product launches at Apple computer. We wait for months for the latest i-thing to come out and stand in line for hours to purchase one. A few weeks ago, Jeff …
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Weekly Wrap Up: Communication
Here is a short guide to good communication skills on Fire Up Today.Guide To Good Communication Skills Monday: Making A True Connection We all communicate, but do we truly connect?Tuesday: …
iPad & the Death of Netbooks
I noticed something very curious Friday in the financial news. Microsoft's stock dropped over 5% in one day. The headline went on to say that the main culprit was the drop in sales of the windows …